January 24 is Change a Pet’s Life Day. The day is dedicated to raising awareness about animal shelters and encouraging pet adoption. Even if you are not ready to adopt an animal, there are still plenty of ways to celebrate this day and change a pet’s life.

  • Take some time to learn about your local animal shelter. Use social media to spread the word about the work they do and how others can support them.
  • Foster an animal. Many animals can get overwhelmed and stressed out in the busy environment of a shelter. In addition, fostering an animal frees up resources at the shelter to help other animals.
  • Make a financial donation. Many shelters depend on donations. Your donations help to ensure that the shelter can continue to care for more animals.
  • Volunteer your time at the shelter. Keeping a shelter running takes a lot of work, and there is always an animal that could use some attention.
  • Find a way to improve your pet’s life. This could include going for more walks, getting more playtime, or signing up for training.

Try to find a way to help improve the life of a pet!