In Animal Welfare, May through October are our busiest months. Shelters across the country are inundated with stray, unowned, unclaimed felines. With the spring/summer season in full swing we would like for you to take a moment and consider how one unsterilized pair of animals impacts animal overpopulation.

One pair of felines left to breed quickly multiply: Over 3 years, one breeding pair of felines will produce 128 cats.

Over the course of a lifetime:
Felines have up to 3 litters per year – 1 pair of unsterilized felines and their offspring can produce 30,000 felines over 3 years and 60,000 felines over 6 years.

Canines have up to 2 litters per year – 1 pair of unsterilized canines and their offspring can produce up to 34,000 canines over 3 years and 67,000 canines over 6 years.

Spay or Neuter Your Cat
Reasons to Spay & Neuter

Other Benefits of Spay & Neuter

Aside from helping to limit the impact of pet overpopulation, we also spay and neuter our pets to manage undesirable behaviors and health concerns such as:

  • Reduce spraying & marking
  • Reduce roaming
  • Reduce aggression
  • Lower risk of cancers
  • Decrease overpopulation
  • Increase lifespan up to 3-5 years

No such thing as a “FREE” Pet!
When you see the “FREE” puppy and kitten signs, please Remember & Remind others there is no such thing as a “FREE” pet!